“I have always been a contemplative person; I read a lot as a child. I gladly leant against the railing on our fourth-floor balcony to narrate the imaginary discourses of the people coming and going in the housing estate, to invent stories about them.
I see the camera as a tool that allows me to "legally" get involved in unexpected situations and be present on occasions where I should have no business at all being there. I can meet people I would not otherwise cross paths with. Rather than chasing after pretentious images, I sometimes like to resort to everyday subjects in my storytelling. In long-term projects, I’m interested in the dynamics of communities; I always approach my subjects with the attitude of an athropologist. I work with a solution-oriented focus; in addition to highlighting negative trends, it inspires me to share with viewers and readers forward-looking initiatives and efforts to improve the situation.
What started out very far from people on a fourth-floor balcony hopefully brings me closer and closer to them. Instead of making up tales about people, now I’m able to tell their actual, real stories.”
Good practices against the climate change
"I have no doubt that the discourse of sustainability is extremely worn out, outmoded, and falling apart under its own weight. At the same time, it is also possible to live a decent life in a city, one of the first components of which may be to vote trust in each other in our neighbourhood."
/Gergő Hajba on the phenomenon of community gardens/
“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed individuals can change the world. In fact, it’s the only thing that ever has.”
— Margaret Mead